My Nighttime skincare routine… (with links!)

May 10, 2022

Lets talk skin! Yaayy!

Also.. don’t come here looking for perfect grammar lol I want to be free! If I focus on grammar too much I’ll end up getting anxious and never posting again… then you’ll just look like my ops. LOL.

My skin journey is a wild one. I go back and forth (I’ll win…soon come) with hormonal acne and scarring.

In the recent few months, I’ve opened my mind to trying these products that you’ll find in this blog. I usually stayed on the natural side of things but baby…my skin said ‘feed me those chemicals’ haha! So I did that. Also keep in mind what you put in your body has a lot to do with your skin and its health. Different areas on your face let you know what your body needs and/or is missing. You can even tell what your body needs or needs to get rid of by the things that you are craving. Anyways…what does my skin endure everyday.

I wear makeup, maybe once or twice a week at this point in my life. Everyone in my life had me labeled as the “makeup friend” BUT NO MORE I like makeup, its such a fun and beautiful form of expression but I’ve ALWAYS had a strong love for skincare. People just didn’t really see that I guess lol. My skin also goes through being outdoors and sweating during photoshoots and workout.

TO THE SALON! tiktok music*

To get my skin clean I use the double cleansing method. I don’t like to have makeup on, extensions or none of that when I get clean I want to be clean! Lol. Double cleansing is when you cleanse the skin twice. You start with a oil-based cleanser and then you use your normal face cleanser. Its usually a water or surfactant-based cleanser.

My favorite oil cleanser at the moment is the Corix Ultra Hyaluronic Cleansing Oil. I start with that to break down my make-up, rub gently and in upper ward motions for about 60 seconds to two minutes before rinsing it off in the shower. Once I have that done, I take my Skinvigorate spin brush, wet it and add one pump of my La Roche Posay and get to work! I learned that you need to allow you soap enough time to do what its supposed to do, take your time and let your cleansing be a moment of relaxation and self care instead of trying to hurry and rush to bed. I brush for at least two minutes (I usually have music playing so the length of one song) and then THROUGLY RINSE!

Pause. Lets have this little informative moment. BHA and AHA. These are non-abrasive forms of exfoliating. Using physical exfoliants can sometimes make your skin problems worse if what is being used inside the product is not fine enough to not create tears in the skin.

  • AHAs is water soluble and don’t go as deep as BHA. AHAs are normally going to be used for people with normal to dry skin. It will also help with reducing fine line and some wrinkles as well as aiding in healing sun damage. The Ordinary Lactic acid fall under a AHA

  • BHAs is oil soluble and is going to go MUCH deeper in the layers of skin to help unclog pores, blemishes, enlarged pores and even milia. All at the same time being gentle enough (because of its calming properties) to be used on sensitive skin or rosacea. BHAs will usually be used for people with normal to oily skin.

Once I’m out the shower its time to pat dry, not rub, with a clean napkin or towel. (Be mindful of the temperature you’re using on your skin as well.

So to start, when we are talking about a night time routine (daytime I’m using no more than two products) you want to lay your products on by how thick and thin they are. I thickest product should go on last. Also keep in mind whenever we are using products that go deep into the layers of our skin and any type of exfoliant you have to protect your skin from the Sun. The sun is great! Natural vitamin D lol but too much with acne and spot fading products just does us no good.

I start with my BHA from Cosrx first and allow the product a bit of time to soak in. I WILL NOT use to acids in one night. I switch between my BHA and my Lactic/AHA from The Ordinary depending on how my skin is behaving and asking her what she needs lol. You don’t want to strip or make your skin worse. Be gentle and patient.

With this, I'd say in two weeks I saw a difference. My texture is minimal and my pore are so tiny at this point. Mine skin condition is hormonal so I have to continue working on that part of if, but as far as helping my skin love itself and heal these two products are doing their thing. I mostly use the BHA every night and the Lactic acid, I use once or twice a week on the week I’m giving my skin a breather. This one will cause some peeling so I would use this one every other day or every two days and let that week (I swap between a week of applying the serums every night to a week of only 3 or 4 nights in a week) be the week I'm just kind of being gentle.

If a product is going to cause peeling (exfoliating) def make sure to stay moisturized. Even if you are oily (like me) your skin needs moisture. If you give it what it needs it wont over produce and create more oil. Stick with it and you’ll see.

Lets tackle scarring for a second. I use the FADED cream from Topicals as my fade cream ONLY on the scars, not all over my face. Simply because, my goal is not to lighten my skin in its entirety but the scars. This is thicker so make this one of the last products that I use. Moovvvinnngg onnn!

SUNBLOCK! I keep it on meeee! One at my make-up desk and the other in my bag that I am carrying. I use the men’s MaryKay . My Mother had it in stock and I enjoyed it when I got to sample it so I bought it LOL. It does the same thing just looks "manly" so men don't trip about it being pink. On my no makeup days I try to apply it every two hours but I’ll get it on at least two times a day. I am also going to invest in the spray on sunblock that you can use over your make-up.

When its time to rise! I shine lol (I use this at night too) I use rose oil, which is anti - bacterial and assists with blemishes, wounds, marks and apparently can aid in softening the appearance of laugh lines and crows feet for some. Rose oil make my skin so soft, supple, bright and the greatest amount of hydrated without the greasy feel! The next morning there is so much life and plumpness to my skin. Especially on the days I wear no makeup. My skin loves when I hit the street lathered in sunblock and the rose oil.

Always try remember to read products. If it has a thousand stuff in the beginning of the ingredients list and THEN IT SAYS "rose" lol you're getting like 5% rose in a product full of everything else. It’ll go in order on the ingredients list from the product most used to the product that is least used. Same with our food pretty much.

I guarantee if you stay consistent, hydrated and protected, you'll see such a change! I am so happy that something is actually working for me and I get to share it with you all!

Let me know if you try something from here and how it works out for you!


I quit! Stepping out on faith in the creative industry..